Instead of a left panel, you can use pop up windows in 2c8 publishing. If you turn on pop up windows, there may be a crash if you also use follow breakdown when clicking objects. If you have chosen to follow breakdown when clicking on objects, then you want this to happen instead of a pop up window, but the publication will choose the pop up first and open the pop up instead.
This is how you can avoid this.
In order to follow breakdown when clicking objects, you need to filter out a selection of the objects you want this behavior on. To do the filtering, you can read about this in this article: How do I create a custom layout in the web profile?
Then do the exact same filtering on the pop up, but remove all information from this filtering so that there is no information to show in the pop up for this selection.
In the publication, you will then follow the breakdown when clicking on objects instead of the pop up being displayed.
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