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Support 2c8 Apps
Fill out the form below or send us an email at Let us know how we can help and please give a detailed description if you are experience a specific issue. Don’t forget to state the version of the tool you are using (if you are unsure, find the version under Help > About).
Give us a call! Our support staff are here to help you. Open: Mon–Fri 9am–12am and 1pm–4pm CET.
+46 (0)54 21 27 28
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- Licenses and invoices
- Sales
- Support
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Remote support with Teamviewer
Sometimes it will be easier for our support staff to help you if they can view your screen. Teamviewer allows you to share your screen with our support staff. Start sharing your screen by following the instructions:
- Start a remote support session. Teamviewer will be downloaded and run to make it possible for our support to see your screen.
- Please note the ID and password visible on your screen when running TeamViewer.