You should not run a script in a repository unless you have been in contact with our support and have been instructed to do so. |
Sometimes our support will ask you to run a script in 2c8 Modeling Tool, either to correct a problem or to get results that are not built into the standard functionality in 2c8 Modeling Tool.
We have both public scripts and scripts that we can send you. If you have received a script file, place the script file that is to be executed on an easily available location on your computer, e.g. the desktop. If you are to run a publicly available script, make sure you are connected to the Internet.
Execute scripts
To be able to open the dialog for executing scripts you need to either be in a local repository or have administration rights on the server you are working on. Start 2c8 Modeling Tool and open the repository where you want to run the script. Press the keys Ctrl+Shift+F11 at the same time. In the dialog that opens you will see a list of available scripts with an arrow to the right for executing the script:
If you have received a script file, click on the icon in the bottom left and browse to and select the script file. The script should now be available in the list.
Press the "play"-icon and the script will run. A status window will open and show the result of the script execution.
When the script has been completed, press the ”Close” button to close the status window, and then the ”Close” button again to close the list of available scripts.
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