2c8 Modeling Tool 5.4
Version 5.4 of 2c8 Apps is released.
If you have a server and wish to upgrade to the latest version, you can book a server upgrade in our calendar. Make sure to read the information presented on the booking page thoroughly before booking an upgrade.
If you are using 2c8 Modeling Tool without a server, please contact support@2c8.com if you want to upgrade to version 5.4.
Continue reading to find out what is new in version 5.4!
2c8 Portal and user management
In 2c8 Portal the administrator can manage all the users and licenses in the organization. You will get an overview of all users and what application they have access to. You can order more licenses, move a license to another user and request termination of a license. If you upgrade from an earlier version, all your existing users and any groups will be synced to the portal.
Inside the 2c8 Portal, you also ensure that the users can access your server and what rights they should have on the server. You should use groups to simplify the administration of users. If you make sure you have groups that have access to the server with the correct server rights, you only need to add new users to the correct group when you create them, instead of adding each new user to the server separately.
The groups are synced from the 2c8 Portal to the 2c8 Modeling Tool where you give users access to the repository. This means that if you have set up groups that have access to the right repository, the user automatically gets access to the right repository when you add it to a group inside the portal.
This also means that all users of 2c8 Apps get their own 2c8 account. There you can also log in to see which product you have and who are the administrators in your organization. You can also change your own contact details and your own password, or reset your own password if you have forgotten it. This also means that when you start one of our products you will be asked to log in, and you will instead not have to log in when you connect to your server. The application will now recognize you and based on your 2c8 account make sure you access the correct server.
To learn more about 2c8 Portal, read the FAQ or view our intro guide (forthcoming).
Rights groups
Permission groups
Permission groups are something that we have had for a long time in 2c8 Apps, but with version 5.4 they are slightly changed. To make the permission feature easier to manage we have limited the functionality to set individual permission settings for objects and models. We have also simplified the permission settings for groups.
- The groups are added in 2c8 Portal where you also add users to them. They are synced into Modeling Tool.
- You can no longer set read or write permissions or owner for specific models and objects. You can only set what group they belong to.
- There are three different access controls to choose from for the content of a group:
- “Group writeable” – Members of the group can edit models, everyone else can only read.
- “Group private” – Models are only accessible to members of the group.
- “No access control” – Everyone can read and update models.
- You can see what group you belong to in the bottom bar of the application, and if you are a member of multiple groups that’s where you switch what group you are currently working in.

- If you have used permission groups in the past these groups will be synced to 2c8 Portal and the material will keep the same permissions. Since we changed the access control for groups and removed the possibility to set permissions on individual models and objects we recommend that you go through all your permission groups for each repository and choose a suitable access control for the group.
2c8 Approve and maintenance of models
2c8 Approve is the cost effective web app for those within the organization that is only involved in approving, reviewing and leaving feedback on models. Focus for the web app is to involve process owners, managers and other similar roles, without the need of a license for either 2c8 Modeling Tool or 2c8 Lite.
All users of 2c8 Modeling Tool or 2c8 Lite will get access to 2c8 Approve for reviewing and approving models. 2c8 Approve will be developed further and focus only on perfecting the experience of reviewing, approving, and giving feedback on models. The web app is seamlessly integrated with the installed applications and works just as well on your phone as on your computer. This means that you can review and approve models whenever you want, wherever you want, and therefore make the maintenance of models even more efficient.
We also chose to remove the term “workflow” from our applications and call it maintenance of models and maintenance flow instead. This to prevent confusion because the term “workflow” is used in similar contexts, but often to describe process automation for example. We also changed the workflow-role previously called “maintainer” to “modeler”.
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